
From The Receiver's Point of View

From the Practitioner's Point of View

Watsu's Origins

What Is It?
(as written by Andrew Yavelow – WatsuŽ instructor)

WatsuŽ , its name is comprised of Water and Shiatsu is, at its simplest level, a floating massage. With the help of the therapist, you float comfortably in a large pool of warm water while your muscles are massaged, your joints mobilized, tissues stretched, energy pathways opened, and our whole body is swished and swayed gently through the water. Most people find WatsuŽ to be “blissfully relaxing”. Physical therapists, massage therapists, and other bodywork practitioners all over the world use it for treating stress, chronic back pain, orthopaedic problems, arthritis, sleep disorders, fibromyalgia, and a host of other conditions. So there is plenty to appreciate about WatsuŽ on a purely physical level.

But one characteristic that makes WatsuŽ stand out from massage and so many other forms of bodywork is that it gives you the opportunity to go beyond the physical. Because when the body relaxes so deeply – as it can in the warm weightlessness of WatsuŽ – the mind can cease its chatter. And when the body and mind are quiet, what you are left with is the fundamental essence of your being. Your soul. Your spirit. The real you.

Taken all together, all the aspects of WatsuŽ – and more – combine to create a profound and holistic bodywork experience that is literally like no other. Part soothing massage, part return to the womb, and part expansion to everything beyond. It is body work. It is mental peace it is a spiritual coming home. And if you are looking for the one word that would best describe it all, the closest must surely be “healing”.

Try it, if other people’s experience is any indication, on many different levels you are going to be profoundly glad you did.

Diane Tegtmeier – WatsuŽ instructor:
WatsuŽ is a gift of nature, having revealed itself through sacred waters
